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What Is That Square on Mars? | Answers in Genesis
“What is that square on Mars?” This question has the internet buzzing as pictures of a mysterious square shape have come back from the Mars Global Surveyor.
The Bad News First | Answers in Genesis
If you don’t understand the bad news, you won’t understand the good news!
AiG Impacts Law Enforcement with K9 Conference | Answers in Genesis
Did you know Answers in Genesis is impacting law enforcement officers here in the US and even internationally?
Are Animals Morally Responsible for Their Actions? | Answers in Genesis
Most of us have experienced a pet displaying what looks like “guilty” behavior for doing something they shouldn’t have.
AI Lets You “Talk” with Dead Loved Ones | Answers in Genesis
There are companies willing to take your money in exchange for a “large language model” trained to communicate with you just like your loved one did in life.
They’ve Brought 1,400 People to the Creation Museum and Ark! | Answers in Genesis
Longtime supporters Ellen and Roger Bauer have brought over 1,400 people to the attractions on 29 separate trips—and each trip is 600 miles one way!
Special Relativity and Creation: A Brief Overview | Answers in Genesis
Why Creationists Should Accept Special Relativity as Good Science.
The Grand Canyon Was Formed Rapidly | Answers in Genesis
Research has confirmed convincingly that the Grand Canyon’s layers were deposited violently during the yearlong global flood cataclysm only about 4,350 years ago.
Help Us Celebrate the 20th Anniversary of Answers Magazine | Answers in Genesis
This year is the 20th anniversary of our biblical-worldview magazine, Answers!
Those 53 Grand Canyon Rocks | Answers in Genesis
The Grand Canyon was formed rapidly.
Debunking Misconceptions About Creation | Answers in Genesis
I thought I’d share answers to 10 common misconceptions I hear about creation, what we teach as biblical creationists, or what Genesis teaches.
Important Takeaways from the “Final Experiment” | Answers in Genesis
Understanding why biblical creationists and Christian flat-earthers disagree.
Show Your Teen This Example of “Evolution in Action” | Answers in Genesis
According to reports, scientists are getting “front row seats of evolution unfolding in real time,” as two lizard species interact for the first time in Florida.
Creation Myths | Answers in Genesis
Numerous cultures across the globe contain myths and legends relating to the creation of the world.
“Ken Ham’s Teaching Set the Foundation for My Adult Life” | Answers in Genesis
I thank the Lord for what he’s done in and through Answers in Genesis.
Scripture—It’s from God! | Answers in Genesis
Inspiration looked different for various Scriptures.
Connect with Your Teen Over Tilt Shift | Answers in Genesis
Dr. Tim Chaffey and Bryan Osborne do a great job reviewing movies from a biblical-worldview perspective on Tilt Shift, which streams exclusively on Answers TV.
National Geographic Misses the Real Treasure in the Lost Treasures of the Bible Series | Answers in Genesis
A series overview of National Geographic’s Lost Treasures of the Bible.
Construction Update: AiG Headquarters Nearly Ready | Answers in Genesis
We moved Answers Academy into its new space a year ago, and the renovation of the rest of our headquarters, where we’ll move our offices to, is almost complete.
Gender | Answers in Genesis
What does the Bible have to say about gender roles? Does Scripture teach sexism and female inferiority?